I Will Break Out the Champagne

I Will Break Out the Champagne

Today I, along with all my brothers and sisters with disabilities in this country, have a reason to celebrate. Thirty years ago today, on July 26th, 1990, George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. As he was doing so, he said: "Let the...

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Beyond Disappointing

Beyond Disappointing

When all kinds of things were shutting down and canceled in mid-March due to the Coronavirus, like everyone else, I was disappointed. For me, it meant a reduction in caregiver staff and the loss of some income. And like everyone else around me I had to adjust to the...

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The New Normal

The New Normal

In the last few months, as stay at home orders were issued in order to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, all kinds of people in the world have had to deal with a new normal. A friend of mine was telling me the other day about the challenges that she and her family...

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Finding the Silver Lining

Finding the Silver Lining

The significance of what was happening didn't really hit me until one of my caregivers got an email. He was here working a shift for me and he and I were going through my night routine one evening over Spring Break. He had been working a whole lot of hours because my...

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Lessons from Levi

Lessons from Levi

Like everyone else, the Coronavirus Pandemic is hitting me really hard right now. Several presentations that I was scheduled to give have been canceled. I also got word yesterday that my latest contribution to a Chicken Soup for the Soul book isn't going to be...

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It Would Be Good for All of Us

It Would Be Good for All of Us

I am a big fan of the Americans with Disabilities Act for a couple of reasons. The first is pretty obvious. It is a law that "levels the playing field' for people with disabilities in several areas of our lives. The second reason is one that not too many people think...

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Not Your “Average Joe”

Not Your “Average Joe”

Dear Joe, I was intrigued when I first read your profile. I have been on this site long enough to know that most people here do not describe themselves as Christian. I was curious enough to want to get to know more about you, so I "swiped right;" and instantly saw...

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The Question that Sparked a Career

The Question that Sparked a Career

Her words stung with such intensity that I felt like I had just done battle with a porcupine. On that Saturday several years ago, I had some errands to run out of town, so after the regular morning routine of getting me out of bed, getting into my wheelchair and...

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The Dog I Needed

The Dog I Needed

I have some thoughts about the coming decade, but I could not solidify them enough to make them into a post. So, stay tuned for that. 🙂  For now, the following is my latest submission to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The theme of the book is self-care. I know that July...

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The day started out as devastating. Mid-morning or so, my manual wheelchair broke. Completely. The screws that hold the back upright were stripped or missing, and that meant the back would not or could not stay in place. Almost at will, the back of the chair would...

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