Apr 30, 2022 | can do, definition of a hero, Following Dreams, kids with disabilities, overcoming challenges, people with disabilities, Wheelchair |
I have been a fan of America’s Got Talent for many years. There is something about people sharing their passions with the world that just lights me up. So, even though I am more a fan of talents like singing and dancing, I was excited when I heard there was a...
Jul 30, 2019 | Accessibility, Accommodations, ADA, Advocacy, inclusion, Independence, kids with disabilities, Walking |
There has been a lot going on in my life recently, and consequently, I am a few days behind. On July 26th, I “celebrated” an anniversary of sorts. The 29th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law....
Apr 1, 2019 | Accessibility, Attitudes, cerebral palsy, communicating respect, kids with disabilities, Laughter, |
In the summer of 1990, I did something that forced me out of my comfort zone. I had just graduated with a Bachelor of Science in English from Emporia State University and I was planning on pursuing a Master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling at the same school, but...
Oct 25, 2018 | cerebral palsy, costumes for people with disabilities, Halloween, kids with disabilities |
It happens every year, not long after my birthday and before the President pardons a turkey. A few weeks before Halloween, I start seeing pictures and stories on Facebook about how to deck out a wheelchair to be part of an amazing costume. I love the concept, and my...
Mar 11, 2017 | Accommodations, cerebral palsy, dance, Disabilitiy, inclusion, kids with disabilities, Sports |
In her poem “Human Families,” one of Maya Angelou’s lines is “We are more alike my friends than we are unalike.” __________________________________ The trip was more than thirty years ago, but because the lesson I learned was so profound,...
Jan 23, 2017 | cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Diversity, kids with disabilities, Medicaid, Politics |
When I was a junior in high school, my English teacher was pretty creative. If we wanted to earn some extra credit, she encouraged us to go to plays put on by the drama department. Sometimes writing stories would get us additional points on an assignment. But my...