Nov 24, 2015 | can do, Dogs, Fundraisers, GoFundMe campaign, how to help, medical emergencies, smart dogs |
Leah always sees the best in people. Whoever she encounters she approaches with her tail wagging, as if to say “Hi, I’m Leah. Can we be friends?” It is simple, direct, and works like magic. I have never seen anyone meet Leah who doesn’t eventually adore her. ...
Nov 12, 2015 | Dogs, Facing a fear, faith, service dogs, smart dogs |
When it first happened, I wasn’t very concerned. My service dog Leah lost her breakfast, and because she eats too quickly and sometimes gets into things she shouldn’t in the backyard, this is not an uncommon occurrence. But when it happened a few more...
Oct 13, 2015 | Dogs, Family, service dogs, smart dogs |
Hi Everyone, This is Leah, Lorraine’s black lab service dog. My mommy has had this blog for a few years now, and lately, she has been having various people guest post on it. I asked her if I could take a turn because I wanted to tell you what our life together...