Oct 31, 2016 | choices, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, negative perceptions, people with disabilities, Society, What some people don't think about, Wheelchair |
It was a pretty weird thing to forget, especially since I had checked my packing list no less than a gazillion times. On a road trip last spring break, I realized about five hours away from home that I had neglected to bring my wheelchair cushion. How can that happen?...
Sep 28, 2015 | Ableism, Attitudes, compassion, definition of a hero, fast food, Helping people with disabilities, McDonalds, negative perceptions, News, Society |
This is an interesting post on Facebook by a friend of a friend of mine. The author’s name is Dany Holmes. I apologize if any of you are offended by her use of language, but I can’t say I disagree with her sentiment. A man with a disability went into...
Jul 13, 2015 | Attitudes, CP, kids with disabilities, Look Beyond, negative perceptions, overcoming challenges, Physical therapy, Society, The Cerebral Palsy Foundation, UCP, United Cerebral Palsy |
This story was originally posted on United Cerebral Palsy’s national website a few months back. They asked me to describe what it was like being poster child when I was young. They encouraged me, to be honest. I appreciate them letting me do so. I will let...
Jan 29, 2015 | Attitudes, can do, communicating respect, disability etiquette, kids with disabilities, negative perceptions, Society |
I have heard of great expectations before, but when I listened to an interview on NPR recently, it gave the whole concept a new twist for me. Bob Rosenthal is a research psychologist. Early in his career, he went into his lab and put signs on his rat cages. Some of...
Jun 15, 2014 | Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, Friends, inclusion, Lessons, Society |
It shouldn’t have happened. Not in 2013. Not twenty-three years after the Americans with Disabilities Act went into effect. But it did. And the people who witnessed the incident decided to protest. According to an article from CNN, in mid-November 2013, Albert Rizzi...
Jul 12, 2012 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, communicating respect, compassion, definition of a hero, Get To Know Me, Heroes, high School, inclusion, Kids, Laughter, Lessons, Making people comfortable, Society, What some people don't think about |
I remember in great detail a day that I was in high school. It may seem insignificant to some. I thought it was at the time myself. But the more years I have behind me, the more I realize that an interaction I had that day just might have been one of the most...