Jul 30, 2019 | Accessibility, Accommodations, ADA, Advocacy, inclusion, Independence, kids with disabilities, Walking |
There has been a lot going on in my life recently, and consequently, I am a few days behind. On July 26th, I “celebrated” an anniversary of sorts. The 29th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law....
Jun 17, 2016 | Addictions, Making Changes, Marathon, Vegan Diet, Veganism, Walking |
Jim Rohn said, “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” It all started with almond milk. I had been to my doctor and told her I was feeling punk. After explaining a few of my symptoms, she suggested I cut down on my dairy...
Apr 17, 2016 | changing perspectives, communicating respect, CP, Education, Friends, Getting to know people, Making people comfortable, negative perceptions, Questions, Walking, What some people don't think about |
January of 1987 brought lots of changes in my life. I started college in Kansas, far away from everything familiar at the time, and it definitely took some doing to adjust to my new life. Not only was I living on my own, so to speak, without the safety net of my...
Jan 9, 2016 | changing perspectives, exercise for people with disabilities, Health, Learning to let go, Making Changes, Walking |
It was a few months ago when the sunshine was stronger than it is now, but my body was not. Recent shenanigans with my kidneys had resulted in time in the hospital, and the unexpected surgery that followed. One of the only benefits of the situation last spring was...
Sep 15, 2015 | CP, exercise for people with disabilities, Half Marathon, Marathon, Triumph, Walking |
When a caregiver first suggested it last fall, I thought he might be a tad bit crazy. We were having a conversation about creative ways that I might be able to get some exercise since my options to do so are somewhat limited. On a whim, he got my tape measure out of...
Jul 14, 2015 | blogging, how to help, inclusion, Kids, lessons from blogging, Walking |
Midsummer of 1990 was a transitional time for me. I had just lost a job that didn’t work out, moved home with my parents for a while and was getting ready to start a Master’s degree program a few months later. I was restless. Knowing my interests but not quite what...