Dec 16, 2015 | Accommodations, choices, Disability and Relationships, Making people comfortable, overcoming challenges, Romance |
“I instantly gravitated towards him because he was so handsome and confident. He also had/has stellar taste in music and we spent the next few hours talking about our favorite bands. I almost forgot about the others who were with us…I spent the entire...
Nov 26, 2015 | Gratitude, service dogs, Thanksgiving |
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Along with the turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, there is another reason I like this holiday. It gives me a chance to reflect on all I have and reminds me to be grateful. Our day was a quiet one. Leah and I spent lots of time...
Oct 22, 2015 | Accessibility, accessible routes, curb cuts, Freedom, Independence, What some people don't think about |
I am probably more excited than most. This plan potentially means that I can go get a cheeseburger whenever I want, and in my case, cheeseburgers mean freedom. I spent part of the afternoon on Tuesday meeting with some cool and influential people. There was Sarah...