Jan 6, 2016 | blogging, Disability Blogs, disability etiquette, Diversity, fast food, lessons from blogging, Making people comfortable, negative perceptions, Starting Over |
2016 is still in its infancy, and like most people I have spent the last few weeks reflecting on both where I have been and where I want to go. Speaking personally, I have never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I think they are, all too often, a good way...
Sep 15, 2015 | CP, exercise for people with disabilities, Half Marathon, Marathon, Triumph, Walking |
When a caregiver first suggested it last fall, I thought he might be a tad bit crazy. We were having a conversation about creative ways that I might be able to get some exercise since my options to do so are somewhat limited. On a whim, he got my tape measure out of...
May 21, 2013 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Lessons, Mental Illness, Physical therapy, Psychiatric Diagnosis |
Her brown eyes clouded in confusion, and when she spoke, it was a bit too brightly. “REALLY??? Good for you! Bless your heart!” During her second shift on the job, a new caregiver asked me if I had gone to college. My affirmative answer gave her pause, and then I...