Apr 27, 2014 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, communicating respect, compassion, Disabilitiy, Education, Health, Introduction, Lessons, Questions, Wheelchair |
Dear potential caregiver, So you want to work for me? I think that is fabulous! I want this experience to be enjoyable and positive for everyone, so I thought it might be best to clarify a few things from the very beginning. I am in a pretty unique situation in that I...
Jul 11, 2012 | Ableism, boundaries, communicating respect, doctors, Education, Health, hospitals, medical emergencies, negative perceptions |
A couple of days ago, I spent the evening in the emergency room. Let me just say that when a stone takes up residence in my kidney, and then invites all his friends to the party, it just isn’t any fun for me. A new caregiver of mine was keeping me company. In...