May 3, 2017 | Ableism, Accessibility, cerebral palsy, choices, Disabilitiy, disability etiquette |
The interaction took place several years ago and probably lasted less than a full minute, but it left an impression on me so intense that it is never far from my thoughts these days. A former caregiver and I took a trip on a Saturday to a town about 45 minutes away...
Jul 2, 2016 | Ableism, Attitudes, changing perspectives, communicaiton, communicating respect, CP, Disability and Relationships, disability etiquette, Good Memories |
Picture it. Me, a seventeen-year-old recent high school graduate, ready to leave behind everything familiar, and looking forward to my future with equal parts excitement and terror. But that wasn’t going to happen for a few months yet. It was early on a summer...
Dec 9, 2015 | communicaiton, Engaged, loneliness, Making people comfortable, The Cerebral Palsy Foundation, UCP |
Lately, I have been thinking often about communicating with people with disabilities. To some people, it might seem like a weird topic to take up space in my head. Nonetheless, I have spent some time in the last few weeks considering what communication means for me....