Jun 3, 2016 | caregivers, Friends, Good Memories, Laughter, overcoming challenges |
It’s becoming a habit every summer. One that I could get used to. My friend Dale, who is a teacher and a coach by trade, comes up to Lawrence for three days a week, several weeks in a row, and he works as my caregiver. The arrangement came about last year. I was...
Nov 26, 2015 | Gratitude, service dogs, Thanksgiving |
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Along with the turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, there is another reason I like this holiday. It gives me a chance to reflect on all I have and reminds me to be grateful. Our day was a quiet one. Leah and I spent lots of time...
Jun 22, 2015 | boundaries, Friends, Good Decisions, Mental Illness |
No, I promise this is not a post about Justin Bieber. Never hire your friends. It was a piece of advice I heard from several old timers when I was about to embark on the world of hiring caregivers. That was almost thirty years ago, and I understand what they were...
Jul 24, 2012 | disability humor, Friends, Kids, Laughter, Learning to let go, Lessons, negative perceptions |
When I anticipated my first week of college, I expected it to be challenging. I had struggled with my grades in high school and knew that college level academics were a whole new ball game. I knew that if I was going to be successful, I would have to work hard, be...