Oct 30, 2021 | caregivers, communicating respect, compassion, disability etiquette, Friends |
“Lorraine, are you okay?” The sound of my name and the concern in his voice pulled me back into consciousness. High fever and a severe kidney infection had made me sick for days, and when Matt came into my room that evening, I had been asleep for a long...
Jan 31, 2013 | faith, Family, overcoming challenges, Uncategorized |
When my dad called me last week to tell me that my grandfather was in the hospital, I wasn’t all that concerned. Pops was a tough guy, and he had survived a stroke and numerous other health problems throughout the years. The next day, my dad called again. The news...
Jan 12, 2013 | Attitudes, choices, Family |
Jul 21, 2012 | Ableism, Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, Family, Good Decisions, Making people comfortable, What some people don't think about |
I was frustrated to no end. I got a call on Thursday afternoon from my mother. I was out and about getting my hair cut and running errands, so she left a message on my cell. “Call me back as soon as you can,” she said. “I have some news that you are...