Sep 28, 2016 | Mental Illness, Psychiatric Diagnosis, Starting Over |
It was the beginning of June, an extremely hot day this past summer. My caregiver Michael and I had spent the afternoon, as usual, running errands and doing necessary things around the house like cooking and laundry. There was about half an hour left in his shift when...
Aug 10, 2013 | Attitudes, caregivers, changing perspectives, Dancing, Disabilitiy, Friends, Getting to know people, Helping people with disabilities, how to help, Lessons, What some people don't think about, wheelchair dancing |
It was definitely one of my “disability” days, the kind I struggle with a little more often than I would like. When I dropped something on the floor, couldn’t access something else on a high shelf in the fridge, and had an itch on my foot that I couldn’t reach to...