Jan 31, 2013 | faith, Family, overcoming challenges, Uncategorized |
When my dad called me last week to tell me that my grandfather was in the hospital, I wasn’t all that concerned. Pops was a tough guy, and he had survived a stroke and numerous other health problems throughout the years. The next day, my dad called again. The news...
Jul 24, 2012 | disability humor, Friends, Kids, Laughter, Learning to let go, Lessons, negative perceptions |
When I anticipated my first week of college, I expected it to be challenging. I had struggled with my grades in high school and knew that college level academics were a whole new ball game. I knew that if I was going to be successful, I would have to work hard, be...
Jul 9, 2012 | Quotes, Triumph |
I heard this quote while I was in high school. It has stuck with me in all the years since. “Triumph” is “umph” added to “try” ! Isn’t that just...