Jun 21, 2017 | Ableism, caregivers, choices, Disabilitiy, Government Programs, Medicaid, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, negative perceptions |
It was a promise that I made a long time ago, and even if it is uncomfortable sometimes and might go against my grain, it is a promise that I intend to keep. July 28th, 2007 was a good day for me. I had spent the previous week at the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant and...
Sep 29, 2012 | Accessibility, Accommodations, cerebral palsy, communicating respect, Friends, inclusion, Making people comfortable, Ms. Wheelchair America, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, power of touch, What some people don't think about |
Hopefully, most readers know a simple fact about me by now: I happen to embrace my disability. I’d be the first to tell you that there have been many times throughout my life when my situation has caused frustration and pain. However, I have also been able to...