Jan 30, 2022 | Ableism, Disabilitiy, disability etiquette |
The event made me sad in a whole lot of ways, but that wasn’t going to stop me from going. Bill, the beloved senior pastor of the church that I have attended for the last 26 years was retiring, and at the beginning of last November, there was a celebration to...
Oct 30, 2021 | caregivers, communicating respect, compassion, disability etiquette, Friends |
“Lorraine, are you okay?” The sound of my name and the concern in his voice pulled me back into consciousness. High fever and a severe kidney infection had made me sick for days, and when Matt came into my room that evening, I had been asleep for a long...
Sep 21, 2021 | caregivers, changing perspectives, communicating respect, faith, Gratitude, people with disabilities |
On August 8th, 1992, The United States Olympic Basketball Team won the gold medal, when they beat the Croatian team in Barcelona. According to Wikipedia, they were described by journalists from around the world as the Dream Team, the greatest sports team ever...
Aug 8, 2016 | disability humor, Laughter, Making people comfortable |
The list of things that I like to do has always been both long and diverse. Here are a few examples. Empower people and help others feel good about themselves. Watch movies. Challenge negative perceptions. Advocate. Cook. Go for strolls on the bike trail....
Aug 1, 2016 | communicaiton, communicating respect, Deaf, disability etiquette, empowering language, handicapped, how to help, inclusion, Making Changes, negative perceptions, Parking Signs, Power Wheelchairs, Quotes, What some people don't think about |
Words have always been extremely important to me. Well, the right ones, anyway. Mark Twain said it best when he said: “The difference between the right word and almost the right word is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” I have found that...