Aug 13, 2017 | Accessibility, Disabilitiy, Helping people with disabilities, inclusion, Parking Signs |
I will say it repeatedly until there is nobody left to tell. A world where everyone is treated as equals and disability is seen as a difference instead of a weakness is the world I strive for. Along with many other people. It’s not going to happen overnight. And even...
Aug 1, 2016 | communicaiton, communicating respect, Deaf, disability etiquette, empowering language, handicapped, how to help, inclusion, Making Changes, negative perceptions, Parking Signs, Power Wheelchairs, Quotes, What some people don't think about |
Words have always been extremely important to me. Well, the right ones, anyway. Mark Twain said it best when he said: “The difference between the right word and almost the right word is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” I have found that...
Jul 2, 2016 | Ableism, Attitudes, changing perspectives, communicaiton, communicating respect, CP, Disability and Relationships, disability etiquette, Good Memories |
Picture it. Me, a seventeen-year-old recent high school graduate, ready to leave behind everything familiar, and looking forward to my future with equal parts excitement and terror. But that wasn’t going to happen for a few months yet. It was early on a summer...
Feb 9, 2016 | Ableism, communicating respect, CP, disability etiquette, Facing a fear, how to help, inclusion, negative perceptions |
To The Staff in the Office Where I Had An Appointment Last Week: I won’t stand for it. I saw the look in each of your eyes as soon as I entered the office. The look of fear mixed with pity mixed with “I don’t know what to do.” I said hello and...
Nov 5, 2014 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, communicating respect, disability etiquette, Education, empowering language, how to help, Irony, Kids, negative perceptions |
I can do something most people can’t. I can be part of a magic trick. Many might think that is kind of cool, but I hate it. Well, that isn’t exactly accurate. I will paint a clearer picture. If Take my aversion to lima beans and black olives. and then...