May 31, 2022 | Accessibility, Disabilitiy, Dogs, faith, Friends, Independence, Uncategorized, Wheelchair |
Any joyful spirit I would usually have on Christmas Eve morning was lost on me that year as I waited for news I knew I probably didn’t want to hear. Tightness squeezed a shallow breath out of my chest as I heard the raspiness in Dr. Tom’s voice through the phone. The...
Jan 10, 2018 | Attitudes, Deaf, Depression, Disabilitiy, Employment, Sign Language |
This past Sunday was less than stellar for me. I had some complications with some former caregivers and the whole caregiver situation that has been so incredibly stressful over the last few months felt like it was pressing against my soul. It was a rare day when I...
Dec 22, 2016 | Advocacy, cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, CP, Disabilitiy, Disabled Sports, inclusion, Independence, Journey, negative perceptions |
When I was a senior in high school, I was in a kick ass creative writing class. The woman who taught it had also taught me junior English and I liked her immensely. In fact, thanks to Facebook, we are still in touch today. We have always had a nice connection. One of...
Nov 22, 2016 | communication, Disabilitiy, Dogs, Get To Know Me |
I’ve always liked the concept behind nicknames. That certain people call you names different than you were given at birth, out of love and affection. I’ve had plenty over the years. Some are embarrassing from when I was small. Nope, not even going there. They are...
Aug 8, 2016 | disability humor, Laughter, Making people comfortable |
The list of things that I like to do has always been both long and diverse. Here are a few examples. Empower people and help others feel good about themselves. Watch movies. Challenge negative perceptions. Advocate. Cook. Go for strolls on the bike trail....