Feb 10, 2018 | communicating respect, Disabilitiy, disability etiquette, Television |
I was working on a writing project when the phone rang. “Hey, Pop. What’s up?” “I have a question since I want to be more sensitive to people with disabilities.” I chuckled. Let me just say that disability etiquette has never been at the tippy top of my 75-year-old...
Dec 26, 2015 | Emotional Freedom Technique, Uncategorized |
The technique first caught my attention about fifteen years ago, when I overheard a conversation a co-worker was having with one of her friends. The subject of the conversation was The Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping, which is based on the same premise as...
Feb 18, 2015 | Ableism, Attitudes, can do, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Disabled Sports, Dogs, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, service dogs, UCP |
The following is my first (sort of autobiographical) guest blog post for United Cerebral Palsy’s national website. It was originally published on January 12th, 2015. I feel honored to have been asked to write for such a great organization! Lorraine Cannistra...