Apr 4, 2019 | Ableism, caregivers, Love, overcoming challenges |
Do you know how sometimes there is an issue that is in your head and you just can’t let it go? That can be nerve-wracking at times, but to me, it also means that the issue is important. The following issue is one of those for me. In the middle of March, Dr. Phil...
Mar 20, 2019 | Advocacy, Attitudes, caregivers, Disability and Relationships, negative perceptions |
I know a whole lot of people in my hometown that say that Jayhawk basketball gets them through the winter. And for those folks, I can see it. But I haven’t ever had a fabulous time watching other people play sports. Instead, I have something else that gets me through...
Sep 24, 2018 | Accessibility, caregivers, fast food, Laughter, overcoming challenges, What some people don't think about |
Living my life surrounded by caregivers makes things much easier for me most of the time. And then there are some times when it makes life much more interesting. Working with a team of caregivers often means that I have to get creative in working around their...
Apr 16, 2018 | caregivers, communication, Disabilitiy, Dogs, service dogs |
I first heard of the concept from my mom, who was raised in Ireland as a young girl. She told me that when people there were hiring a new housekeeper to clean their home, one of the things they would do was put a broom in the doorway. It was kind of a test. If a...
Mar 1, 2018 | Ableism, boundaries, caregivers, Disabilitiy |
The weird thing was it wasn’t throughout my whole house. On a Saturday morning a few months ago, I noticed something strange soon after I woke up. There was no electricity in my bedroom or my office, but the rest of the house was fine. At first, I thought it...
Feb 4, 2018 | Accessibility, caregivers, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Independence |
Because I have never known any different than living with cerebral palsy, I have always gone about my day doing things in the way that they work best for me. To an outsider looking in, they would probably be called accommodations. To me, they are simply the things I...