Upcoming Appearances:


June – Lorraine will be presenting her book and discussing respectful communication techniques between clinicians and patients that they care for at The Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital.

Topics Lorraine can speak about:

Positive Communication

Positive, effective communication is important. In the context of disability, people are not always listened to, understood or taken seriously. Lorraine will discuss how people can use appropriate use of language to ensure that people with disabilities in your world are always respected and empowered. The skills and strategies that Lorraine will discuss can apply to anyone, whether they have a disability or not. With humor, insight and some practical application exercises, Lorraine will demonstrate what a difference it makes when dignity and respect are the top priorities in communication.



Given Lorraine’s life circumstances, the list of things that she is not able to do is pretty long. Yet she accomplishes most things that she wants to do every day. Lorraine will share strategies about how to maintain a positive attitude, overcome obstacles and create “outside the box” ways to get things done. Sharing personal experiences and lessons learned, Lorraine talks about the things that she does daily to stay positive as well as connection and self-care. There are many reasons to say “I can’t.” Lorraine will explore various ways that her audience can say “I CAN!”


“Your presentation was incredibly moving! I think hearing you speak has done more to shape my view on people with disabilities than anything else in my life.  Thank you!”

-College Student (Pre-Physical Therapy)

“Lorraine was very personable and I wasn’t afraid to ask questions!”

-College Student (Social Work)

“Lorraine is informative, helpful and has a great sense of humor! She opened my eyes, mind and heart to a lot of issues I had never thought about before.”

-College Student (Special Education)

“I liked the practical tips for communicating with people with disabilities and your story about your own life.  Overall, I thought the presentation was interesting, imformative and impactful on my future actions, thoughts and attitudes.”

-College Student (Music Therapy)

“your postitivness radiates in your speeches, which radiates in us.  You are by the far the best speaker we have had this year.  You spoke about all aspects of disability issues which was great!”

-College Student (Social Work)

“I got very useful information from you and now I look at things with a much more open perspective.”

-College Student (Social Work)

“I loved your openness and honesty.  Your short presentation has really changed my view and level of awareness about disabled people.  You’re so fun to listen to, at no point was I bored.”

-College Student (Music Therapy)

This was a great experience, thank you so much for being a voice for a population that is often ignored.  Your life story is very interesting and important to hear.  I learned a lot, especially about communication with people with disabilities.”

-College Student (Music Therapy)

“I thought your presentation was interesting and informative.  I felt like I gained a lot of knowledge about the needs and emotions of the people living with disabiliites.”

-College Student (Special Education)

“Your personal story was amazing!  It makes me realize what I have and what I don’t have, but there are no differences between us.”

-College Student (Social Work)

“You have an outlook on life that is so refreshing to hear.  Its great to hear a person talk about the bad, but focus mainly on the good!”

-College Student (Music Therapy)

“I really appreciate your honesty and the portrayal of real life.  I also loved the information about disability etiquette.  This presentation changed my life!”

-College Student (Pre-Physical Therapy)

“Lorraine was very informative and open about her disability.  There are many things that I will do differently now and say differently now, and I thank you for the knowledge that you gave me.”

-College Student (Special Education)

“When I just think of Lorraine Cannistra, I immediately smile. She is a breath of fresh air. Her drive and motivation are unparalleled and she delivers a powerful message with sweet sincerity. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, Lorraine has changed my life for the better. Blessed to know her.”

-Melissa Oliver (Event Coordinator for Colorado 4-H)