Dec 8, 2017 | caregivers, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, McDonalds |
This time of year is always one of the most reflective for me. Having spent a few weeks before Thanksgiving thinking about all the things I am grateful for, I spend the beginning of December watching the world prepare for Christmas. Just like when I was their age, the...
Nov 21, 2017 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Gratitude |
In the last few weeks, it seems like several bad days have attacked me all at once. I am once again incredibly shorthanded in terms of caregivers, and for various reasons, some other issues have become intense for me. All of it has been hard. And, when bad stuff...
Nov 13, 2017 | Ableism, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Down Syndrome, Getting to know people, Look Beyond, negative perceptions, Television |
The show was groundbreaking for its time. Life Goes On premiered on September 12th, 1989 and lasted four seasons, with the last show airing on May 23rd, 1993. The story was about the life of a typical family. What set the show apart was that Corky, the oldest son, had...
Nov 9, 2017 | Beginnings, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Gratitude |
To the parents of the child just diagnosed: Hi, I am Lorraine. These days I am a writer, blogger, and die-hard Astro’s fan. Over the years I have perfected my chili recipe and I like to make cinnamon glazed almonds at Christmas. My friends are scattered all over...
Oct 11, 2017 | caregivers, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Learning to let go, Physical therapy |
It’s not my line, although I wish I could take the credit. This morning I spent a few minutes watching a Ted Talk about letting go. Jill Sherer Murray talked about a relationship in her past. She had dated this guy for twelve years. She wanted to get married....
Aug 15, 2017 | cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Family, inclusion, Independence, Making people comfortable, negative perceptions, Television, The Cerebral Palsy Foundation |
At first, I wasn’t sure what to think. In my experience, usually when t.v. shows are made about people with disabilities simply living their lives they tend to be sickeningly drippy. Think Tiny Tim meets Superman. Get the picture? Most shows I have seen tend to...