Oct 19, 2015 | cuts to Medicare funding, Government Programs, Making people comfortable, Medicare, Power Wheelchairs, Wheelchair |
When I started this blog, I was pretty sure that I simply wanted to write about my life experience and how my disability affects me. Although I love advocacy efforts that increase the quality of life for people with disabilities, I was convinced I didn’t want...
Apr 14, 2015 | communicating respect, Government benefits, Government Programs, Medicaid, Medicare |
Dorothy wanted to go back to Kansas. In her quest to do so she found some friends that needed a heart, a brain, and some courage. Let’s get something straight. I like to work, and I like to work hard. If I had my way, I would find a full-time job with the...
Mar 4, 2014 | Disabilitiy, Employment, Food Stamps, Government Programs, Health, Medicaid, Medicare |
It is a ritual that I started only recently. Just before I hop in the shower, I put two or three large towels in the dryer, so they are nice and warm and I can wrap myself in them when I get out. It is a simple thing, but I love it. It makes me feel special....
May 26, 2013 | Accommodations, Disabilitiy, Government benefits, Government Programs, Parking Signs |
At first, I thought it was a joke, easily dismissing it as something somebody must have made up. It was too outrageous otherwise. But when I saw the story all over facebook, and on websites I frequent as a wheelchair user, I started to pay attention. People with...
Jul 14, 2012 | Accessibility, cerebral palsy, Government benefits, Government Programs, Medicaid, Medicare, overcoming challenges, Starting Over, Wheelchair |
Most people consider Friday the 13th to be unlucky, but in terms of my day yesterday, I must disagree. My day yesterday was better than Christmas. You see, December 25th comes around every year. But yesterday I got to do something that is only allowed every five...