Oct 3, 2016 | CP, exercise for people with disabilities, Health, Ms. Wheelchair America, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, What some people don't think about |
There are holes in all of my socks. And I am not going out to buy new ones. As I have said many times previously, I am affected by spastic cerebral palsy, which means, among other things that there is a significant amount of spasm in my body, and that makes some...
Aug 3, 2015 | Advocacy, can do, Ms. Wheelchair America, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, overcoming challenges |
This is a spectacular article about the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant and the goals and dreams of the organization and its participants. I was honored to be crowned Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2007. All the women involved are indeed “roll” models. And the...
Feb 18, 2015 | Ableism, Attitudes, can do, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Disabled Sports, Dogs, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, service dogs, UCP |
The following is my first (sort of autobiographical) guest blog post for United Cerebral Palsy’s national website. It was originally published on January 12th, 2015. I feel honored to have been asked to write for such a great organization! Lorraine Cannistra...
Dec 4, 2014 | changing perspectives, CP, Making Changes, Ms. Wheelchair America, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, negative perceptions |
In 1974, at six years old, I saw myself as pretty typical. However, much of the world saw me as “Tiny Tim.” I was a scrawny kid with skinny arms and legs, pigtails in my hair and a smile that was waiting for the tooth fairy. Because of the cerebral palsy...