Jul 11, 2016 | accessible routes, Advocacy, can do, caregivers, curb cuts, Finding Your Voice, Mental Illness, overcoming challenges, Tattoos |
For the last few years, I have routinely said that I didn’t think I would ever get a tattoo. It’s not that I don’t like them. On the contrary. Several tattoos I have seen are exceptionally cool. Rather, my hesitation comes from the fact that I...
Jun 3, 2016 | caregivers, Friends, Good Memories, Laughter, overcoming challenges |
It’s becoming a habit every summer. One that I could get used to. My friend Dale, who is a teacher and a coach by trade, comes up to Lawrence for three days a week, several weeks in a row, and he works as my caregiver. The arrangement came about last year. I was...
Apr 5, 2016 | Attitudes, boundaries, caregivers, communicating respect, how to help, overcoming challenges, Psychiatric Diagnosis |
There are some things in life that are simply impossible. Kissing your elbow. Raising only one eyebrow. Sneezing with your eyes open. Try any of them, I double dog dare you. Chances are you will discover they cannot be done. If I may, I would like to add...
Mar 12, 2016 | caregivers, compassion, curb cuts, Diversity, Human Libraries, inclusion, Making people comfortable, negative perceptions, What some people don't think about |
Never judge a book by its cover. I have always liked that phrase. It reminds me that things aren’t always what they seem, and it’s a good response when people are making incorrect assumptions about me. I also appreciate the phrase because it is simple,...
Feb 20, 2016 | caregivers, communicating respect, how to help, interviews |
Once again, I am earnestly looking for compassionate, reliable caregivers these days. Sometimes I would be uncomfortable hiring people that I interview. Sometimes I offer the job to people and get turned down. That is all par for the course. But after pretty much...
Feb 3, 2016 | Accommodations, can do, caregivers, Facing a fear, loneliness, overcoming challenges, Triumph |
Today I did something unexpected. I faced one of my biggest fears. James, a former caregiver who is filling in because I am so shorthanded right now, had to be out of town, and Samantha, another former caregiver helping me out, has been sidelined with sickness for a...