Mar 1, 2021 | cerebral palsy, church, Family, Finding Your Voice, Fundraisers, high School, interviews, overcoming challenges, Sports |
[convertkit_content tag=”1443982″][/convertkit_content]It is not a memory that I recall fondly. As I sat in front of that room, I could hardly get my words out. And when I did, I stuttered and stammered all the way through the remarks I had prepared. I had...
Feb 20, 2016 | caregivers, communicating respect, how to help, interviews |
Once again, I am earnestly looking for compassionate, reliable caregivers these days. Sometimes I would be uncomfortable hiring people that I interview. Sometimes I offer the job to people and get turned down. That is all par for the course. But after pretty much...
Sep 14, 2012 | changing perspectives, choices, Getting to know people, Helping people with disabilities, interviews, What some people don't think about |
It was an adventure that I never thought I would go on. No. I didn’t recently go rock climbing or skydiving, but, to me, what I did a couple of months ago posed just as much of a risk. I hired my first male caregiver. It started out innocently enough. Like...