Dec 24, 2021 | caregivers, Christmas, compassion |
When I was a little kid, I was excited whenever somebody asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I always had a solid list for Santa because, from my perspective at least, I was always a good girl. That made the question easy to answer back then. People have been asking...
Oct 30, 2021 | caregivers, communicating respect, compassion, disability etiquette, Friends |
“Lorraine, are you okay?” The sound of my name and the concern in his voice pulled me back into consciousness. High fever and a severe kidney infection had made me sick for days, and when Matt came into my room that evening, I had been asleep for a long...
Aug 17, 2020 | Ableism, caregivers, compassion, Good Decisions |
When he came for an interview to be one of my caregivers, I wasn’t sure it was going to work out. He was a little rough around the edges, and his answers to my questions weren’t ones that I typically hear from candidates. Even so, I was impressed that he...
Jul 26, 2020 | Ableism, ADA, Advocacy, communication, compassion, negative perceptions |
Today I, along with all my brothers and sisters with disabilities in this country, have a reason to celebrate. Thirty years ago today, on July 26th, 1990, George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. As he was doing so, he said: “Let...
Apr 30, 2020 | caregivers, compassion, Depression, loneliness |
The significance of what was happening didn’t really hit me until one of my caregivers got an email. He was here working a shift for me and he and I were going through my night routine one evening over Spring Break. He had been working a whole lot of hours...
Dec 6, 2018 | changing perspectives, compassion |
I didn’t even notice it at first, but when I looked down and saw the results of my actions, I let out a screech of alarm. I had been to Wal-Mart a couple of hours previously and was unloading the cleaning supplies that belonged in my bathroom. Since the mold in my...