Even So

When he came for an interview to be one of my caregivers, I wasn’t sure it was going to work out. He was a little rough around the edges, and his answers to my questions weren’t ones that I typically hear from candidates. Even so, I was impressed that he...

Never Say Never!

No, I promise this is not a post about Justin Bieber. Never hire your friends.  It was a piece of advice I heard from several old timers when I was about to embark on the world of hiring caregivers.  That was almost thirty years ago, and I understand what they were...

The Last Laugh

Quirks fascinate me.  What motivates some people to tap their fingers incessantly, or wear different colored socks is intriguing.  I have always thought of quirks as fingerprints, characteristics that make each one of us unique in our complexity, with a collection of...