Mar 25, 2020 | caregivers, CP, driving, Freedom, Health, Lessons, service dogs, Wheelchair |
Like everyone else, the Coronavirus Pandemic is hitting me really hard right now. Several presentations that I was scheduled to give have been canceled. I also got word yesterday that my latest contribution to a Chicken Soup for the Soul book isn’t going to be...
Mar 10, 2020 | Ableism, cerebral palsy, disability etiquette, Disabled Sports, Lessons, negative perceptions |
Dear Joe, I was intrigued when I first read your profile. I have been on this site long enough to know that most people here do not describe themselves as Christian. I was curious enough to want to get to know more about you, so I “swiped right;” and...
Aug 2, 2017 | cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Independence, Lessons, Power Wheelchairs, What some people don't think about, Wheelchair |
No worries. The content of this post will be rated “G” and family friendly. A few years ago, after numerous long discussions with Lee, my wheelchair guy, and a whole lot of soul-searching, I decided to make the switch from using a manual wheelchair around...
Dec 30, 2016 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Lessons, overcoming challenges |
There are lots of quirks in my life. Things I happen to do a little differently than most other people. One of them happens to involve my day to day schedule. Since most of my caregivers are college students, the majority of my life tends to revolve around the...
Nov 16, 2016 | accessible routes, Attitudes, can do, Disabilitiy, disability humor, Independence, Laughter, Lessons, Making people comfortable, overcoming challenges |
Back in 1988, I was a brand spankin’ new college sophomore, still a little naive about the way the world worked, and pretty solid in the conviction that the way I had always done things was the only way that made sense. It was a Saturday morning in the Spring,...
Feb 25, 2016 | blogging, changing perspectives, communicating respect, faith, Friends, Helping people with disabilities, Lessons |
It’s rare that I share my faith publicly. Not because I am not passionate about what I believe, but because I never want to push my beliefs on anyone. Too often I have had people make judgments or incorrect assumptions about what my life is like, and what I...