May 31, 2022 | Accessibility, Disabilitiy, Dogs, faith, Friends, Independence, Uncategorized, Wheelchair |
Any joyful spirit I would usually have on Christmas Eve morning was lost on me that year as I waited for news I knew I probably didn’t want to hear. Tightness squeezed a shallow breath out of my chest as I heard the raspiness in Dr. Tom’s voice through the phone. The...
Sep 21, 2021 | caregivers, changing perspectives, communicating respect, faith, Gratitude, people with disabilities |
On August 8th, 1992, The United States Olympic Basketball Team won the gold medal, when they beat the Croatian team in Barcelona. According to Wikipedia, they were described by journalists from around the world as the Dream Team, the greatest sports team ever...
Jan 24, 2017 | Ableism, Attitudes, Disabilitiy, faith, Wheelchair |
Since it hadn’t happened in a very long time, the whole thing shook me to my core. Last Saturday I went to the Women’s March in Topeka. Andrea, a close friend of mine asked me to accompany her, kind of a spur of the moment thing. Enthusiastically I...
Feb 25, 2016 | blogging, changing perspectives, communicating respect, faith, Friends, Helping people with disabilities, Lessons |
It’s rare that I share my faith publicly. Not because I am not passionate about what I believe, but because I never want to push my beliefs on anyone. Too often I have had people make judgments or incorrect assumptions about what my life is like, and what I...
Nov 12, 2015 | Dogs, Facing a fear, faith, service dogs, smart dogs |
When it first happened, I wasn’t very concerned. My service dog Leah lost her breakfast, and because she eats too quickly and sometimes gets into things she shouldn’t in the backyard, this is not an uncommon occurrence. But when it happened a few more...
Jan 31, 2013 | faith, Family, overcoming challenges, Uncategorized |
When my dad called me last week to tell me that my grandfather was in the hospital, I wasn’t all that concerned. Pops was a tough guy, and he had survived a stroke and numerous other health problems throughout the years. The next day, my dad called again. The news...