Jul 31, 2022 | Ableism, Accessibility, Accommodations, Advocacy, Disabilitiy, Discrimination, how to help, inclusion, overcoming challenges |
This is my latest submission to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The theme for the book is Think Positive. Happy Disability Pride Month, everyone! I sat in stunned silence as I hung on to the phone, not sure how to process what I had just heard. I was talking to the...
Mar 30, 2019 | Ableism, Accessibility, Advocacy, cerebral palsy, Discrimination, Diversity, people with disabilities |
It’s one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to swallow. That there is a difference between reality and how things should be. It makes sense in my head that if I treat my caregivers well and accommodate them to the best of my ability, then nobody will quit without notice,...
Feb 18, 2018 | Ableism, Advocacy, America, Disabilitiy, Discrimination, Friends, inclusion, Politics |
A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me a video. (Thanks, Beth!) It profiled Kevan Chandler, a young man who is a wheelchair user because he is affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Kevan loves to travel, but because of his disability, he was limited to only going to...
Jan 15, 2018 | Accessibility, Accommodations, Advocacy, Attitudes, Disabilitiy, Discrimination, inclusion |
I’ve been thinking often for the past few days about today being Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King had a dream. That all people would be treated equally regardless of the color of their skin. That there would be no prejudice, no preconceived ideas. That nobody...
Oct 29, 2017 | Ableism, Attitudes, Disabilitiy, Discrimination |
When I first heard about the new program, I was psyched beyond measure. The place where I was receiving physical therapy had set up a gym in part of their space, and they were inviting people who received services to work out at a reduced rate. After going over my...