Mar 5, 2015 | choices, compassion, Disabilitiy, Disability and Relationships, Dogs, Health, Lessons, Mental Illness, negative perceptions, Psychiatric Diagnosis |
I am losing one of the biggest supports in my life today. It’s hard for me to look back to who I used to be, to the scared, angry, insecure woman I was when we met. I didn’t know how to communicate effectively back then. I yelled and screamed more often...
Feb 28, 2015 | Accommodations, Attitudes, Health |
Yesterday was a good day, and it was a long time coming. I got a new bed. Sounds simple, right? Sounds like an ordinary, no big deal thing. The process was anything but. I had been sleeping on the same mattress for fifteen years or so, and have many a doctor and...
May 15, 2014 | Attitudes, communicaiton, Disabilitiy, Health |
It’s just like walking a tightrope, and to me, it feels like it requires the same amount of focus and concentration. One wrong move could spell disaster. And just like a circus performer, if the setup is wrong or the rules aren’t followed, someone could end up getting...
May 7, 2014 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, Education, Health, Lessons, negative perceptions |
The most frustrating part was that he didn’t ask me. While the sun was melting away the icy traces of winter, and daring the world to adjust to the coming of spring, the adjustments that I was making had nothing to do with the weather. It was late February 1987 and I...
Apr 27, 2014 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, communicating respect, compassion, Disabilitiy, Education, Health, Introduction, Lessons, Questions, Wheelchair |
Dear potential caregiver, So you want to work for me? I think that is fabulous! I want this experience to be enjoyable and positive for everyone, so I thought it might be best to clarify a few things from the very beginning. I am in a pretty unique situation in that I...
Mar 4, 2014 | Disabilitiy, Employment, Food Stamps, Government Programs, Health, Medicaid, Medicare |
It is a ritual that I started only recently. Just before I hop in the shower, I put two or three large towels in the dryer, so they are nice and warm and I can wrap myself in them when I get out. It is a simple thing, but I love it. It makes me feel special....