Sep 24, 2018 | Accessibility, caregivers, fast food, Laughter, overcoming challenges, What some people don't think about |
Living my life surrounded by caregivers makes things much easier for me most of the time. And then there are some times when it makes life much more interesting. Working with a team of caregivers often means that I have to get creative in working around their...
Aug 26, 2018 | changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, overcoming challenges |
It was the summer of the best-laid plans. My first book launched in May. The signing was fabulous and lots of books were sold there. But getting my book out wasn’t the only thing that I wanted to accomplish. I also planned to get in shape. To eat better. To see...
Mar 8, 2018 | Attitudes, compassion, Disabilitiy, inclusion, negative perceptions, overcoming challenges |
When I was about three years old, my family moved into a new house. One summer day a few months after we settled in, my brother and sister were playing at the end of the driveway. I wanted to see what they were doing, and so with shorts on and no socks or shoes, I...
Dec 22, 2017 | Accommodations, cerebral palsy, dance, Disabilitiy, Down Syndrome, inclusion, negative perceptions, overcoming challenges |
“People with disabilities have been in the shadows for far too long,” Amy Wright said as she was accepting the award for being CNN’s 2017 hero of the year. “But no more!” In my book, Amy Wright is truly a hero in every sense of the word. She and her husband Ben have...
Sep 3, 2017 | can do, Disabilitiy, Good Memories, Independence, Laughter, Laughter,, overcoming challenges |
It was over twenty years ago, and I was a “fresh out of grad school” rookie, eager to do well in my first real job. Although it meant moving from the town where I had attended college and gotten my master’s degree, a few weeks after graduation I...
Dec 30, 2016 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Lessons, overcoming challenges |
There are lots of quirks in my life. Things I happen to do a little differently than most other people. One of them happens to involve my day to day schedule. Since most of my caregivers are college students, the majority of my life tends to revolve around the...