Mar 25, 2020 | caregivers, CP, driving, Freedom, Health, Lessons, service dogs, Wheelchair |
Like everyone else, the Coronavirus Pandemic is hitting me really hard right now. Several presentations that I was scheduled to give have been canceled. I also got word yesterday that my latest contribution to a Chicken Soup for the Soul book isn’t going to be...
Dec 31, 2019 | Dogs, Facing a fear, Grief, service dogs |
I have some thoughts about the coming decade, but I could not solidify them enough to make them into a post. So, stay tuned for that. 🙂 For now, the following is my latest submission to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The theme of the book is self-care. I know that July...
May 15, 2019 | Dogs, service dogs |
It was a typical weekday evening, after dinner, and I was in my office doing some writing when the phone rang. “Lorraine, this is Tom Leibl.” I could hear the smile in his voice, which was matched by my own. My vet is one of my favorite people. “Hey Dr. Tom, what’s...
Apr 16, 2018 | caregivers, communication, Disabilitiy, Dogs, service dogs |
I first heard of the concept from my mom, who was raised in Ireland as a young girl. She told me that when people there were hiring a new housekeeper to clean their home, one of the things they would do was put a broom in the doorway. It was kind of a test. If a...
Nov 26, 2017 | caregivers, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, service dogs |
When I went to Home Depot several years back and bought the peach tree that is now planted in my front yard, I was told that it would take many years before that tree would produce edible peaches. I didn’t care. I’ve enjoyed watching it grow, and I...
Jun 26, 2017 | Advocacy, America, compassion, Disabilitiy, Government benefits, Government Programs, Helping people with disabilities, inclusion, McDonalds, Medicaid, service dogs |
It’s time for me to share a story. No, this one doesn’t have handsome princes or fairy godmothers waving magic wands. Although I wish it did.  That would be so much easier. This is my Medicaid story, and I want to share it in order to put a human face behind the...