Mar 30, 2019 | Ableism, Accessibility, Advocacy, cerebral palsy, Discrimination, Diversity, people with disabilities |
It’s one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to swallow. That there is a difference between reality and how things should be. It makes sense in my head that if I treat my caregivers well and accommodate them to the best of my ability, then nobody will quit without notice,...
Feb 16, 2019 | cerebral palsy, Depression |
It snowed again last night. Again. It’s been a long winter. Feels like it has been freezing forever, even though I know it has only been a few months. Everything is white. Bland and cold. Lots of things are cold and frozen and without flavor. When you go outside...
Oct 25, 2018 | cerebral palsy, costumes for people with disabilities, Halloween, kids with disabilities |
It happens every year, not long after my birthday and before the President pardons a turkey. A few weeks before Halloween, I start seeing pictures and stories on Facebook about how to deck out a wheelchair to be part of an amazing costume. I love the concept, and my...
Mar 14, 2018 | Ableism, cerebral palsy, Christopher Reeve, communication, Disabilitiy, disability etiquette, empowering language |
I first heard about person first language when I was in graduate school. The concept was familiar to me long before that. The idea that it was much more respectful to refer to “the woman who was blind” rather than “the blind woman” just...
Feb 19, 2018 | America, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Mental Illness, negative perceptions |
I have made a point not to write much about gun violence on this blog so far. There has been plenty of opportunities. After Sandy Hook. After Las Vegas. After three people died of gun violence in the early hours of the morning in downtown Lawrence a few months ago,...
Feb 4, 2018 | Accessibility, caregivers, cerebral palsy, Disabilitiy, Independence |
Because I have never known any different than living with cerebral palsy, I have always gone about my day doing things in the way that they work best for me. To an outsider looking in, they would probably be called accommodations. To me, they are simply the things I...