Feb 10, 2018 | communicating respect, Disabilitiy, disability etiquette, Television |
I was working on a writing project when the phone rang. “Hey, Pop. What’s up?” “I have a question since I want to be more sensitive to people with disabilities.” I chuckled. Let me just say that disability etiquette has never been at the tippy top of my 75-year-old...
Sep 3, 2017 | can do, Disabilitiy, Good Memories, Independence, Laughter, Laughter,, overcoming challenges |
It was over twenty years ago, and I was a “fresh out of grad school” rookie, eager to do well in my first real job. Although it meant moving from the town where I had attended college and gotten my master’s degree, a few weeks after graduation I...
May 12, 2017 | caregivers, cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, Disability Blogs, disability etiquette, disability humor, empowering language, Government Programs, Helping people with disabilities, inclusion, power of touch |
When I started my blog almost five years ago, I was because I wanted a way to articulate some of the things I was going through. Living with various diagnoses is challenging on the best of days, and can be frustrating and discouraging on the days that are not so good....
Apr 12, 2017 | Ableism, Advocacy, changing perspectives, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, Friends, inclusion |
It was a beautiful and crisp October day a couple of years ago when I met Chris. As Director of Community Health at the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, he, like me, wasn’t officially one of a team of people spearheading the effort to renovate East Ninth...
Mar 17, 2017 | Ableism, Advocacy, changing perspectives, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, negative perceptions |
Nobody could have predicted it. In the last few weeks, the phrase has become nothing short of common. “She was warned, nevertheless, she persisted.” It was a quote from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell when he was asked about shutting down Elizabeth...
Feb 26, 2017 | Advocacy, Disabilitiy, Good Memories, Health, Laughter,, medical emergencies |
If I had to come up with the main thing my disability has taught me, I would have to say it is how to be resourceful. A mirror is tilted above my stove so I can see if a pot of water is boiling without having to stand up and lean on a hot surface. There are...