Dec 20, 2017 | Accommodations, Disabilitiy, medical emergencies, What some people don't think about |
Even though I know it wasn’t intentional, the situation freaked me out. During her second shift, after we had gotten me into bed, a new caregiver went to get my phone from my office so that I could have it beside me during the night. In the process, she dropped...
Feb 26, 2017 | Advocacy, Disabilitiy, Good Memories, Health, Laughter,, medical emergencies |
If I had to come up with the main thing my disability has taught me, I would have to say it is how to be resourceful. A mirror is tilted above my stove so I can see if a pot of water is boiling without having to stand up and lean on a hot surface. There are...
Nov 24, 2015 | can do, Dogs, Fundraisers, GoFundMe campaign, how to help, medical emergencies, smart dogs |
Leah always sees the best in people. Whoever she encounters she approaches with her tail wagging, as if to say “Hi, I’m Leah. Can we be friends?” It is simple, direct, and works like magic. I have never seen anyone meet Leah who doesn’t eventually adore her. ...
Jun 3, 2015 | Ableism, communicating respect, compassion, doctors, emergency room, hospitals, how to help, medical emergencies |
Nobody likes to experience emotions that can be negative. Anger, frustration, overwhelm. I can’t think of anyone who feels those things while having a good time. But there is one emotion that I don’t like to experience more than any of the others combined. I don’t...
Dec 20, 2014 | Beginnings, co-bedding, doctors, hospitals, kangaroo care, medical emergencies, power of touch, preemies, premature babies, rescuing hug |
I know the story only in the retelling. In the predawn hours of an early fall day, the chill in the air was both outside and inside the walls of that stark, barren hospital. The medical team had been assembled unexpectedly. This wasn’t part of the plan. I had...
Jul 11, 2012 | Ableism, boundaries, communicating respect, doctors, Education, Health, hospitals, medical emergencies, negative perceptions |
A couple of days ago, I spent the evening in the emergency room. Let me just say that when a stone takes up residence in my kidney, and then invites all his friends to the party, it just isn’t any fun for me. A new caregiver of mine was keeping me company. In...