Dec 13, 2016 | Accommodations, Disabilitiy, Facing a fear, Friends, Get To Know Me, Good Memories, Heroes, Laughter, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges |
I have been thinking of him often lately, although I can’t really explain why. Wayne and I met when I started graduate school, both a part of the Baptist Student Union on campus. We clicked instantly. As we got to know each other, all formality and things that...
Nov 9, 2016 | Ableism, America, Attitudes, Beginnings, CP, Disabilitiy, Facing a fear, Free Speech, Freedom, Friends, Medicaid, Medicare, Questions |
This is why I am frightened. Actually, the word “terrified’ might be more accurate. Although I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, I confess that I have paid more attention to this election and the events leading up to it than I have any other election...
Jun 22, 2016 | Engaged, Freedom, Friends, how to help, inclusion, loneliness |
I wish I could take credit for the concept, but I can’t. A few weeks ago I was reading a blog post that had gone viral, and the sentiment settled close to my heart. In January of 2016, Corinne Rogero wrote a post on her blog, Duly Noted, called “I Should Be Engaged.”...
Jun 3, 2016 | caregivers, Friends, Good Memories, Laughter, overcoming challenges |
It’s becoming a habit every summer. One that I could get used to. My friend Dale, who is a teacher and a coach by trade, comes up to Lawrence for three days a week, several weeks in a row, and he works as my caregiver. The arrangement came about last year. I was...
May 16, 2016 | Friends, Getting to know people, Laughter, What some people don't think about |
All of my adult life I have tried to embrace diversity, and encouraged others to do the same. The logic goes like this. If one of my purposes in life is to break down barriers between people with disabilities and those without disabilities, then accepting differences...
Apr 17, 2016 | changing perspectives, communicating respect, CP, Education, Friends, Getting to know people, Making people comfortable, negative perceptions, Questions, Walking, What some people don't think about |
January of 1987 brought lots of changes in my life. I started college in Kansas, far away from everything familiar at the time, and it definitely took some doing to adjust to my new life. Not only was I living on my own, so to speak, without the safety net of my...