Dec 13, 2016 | Accommodations, Disabilitiy, Facing a fear, Friends, Get To Know Me, Good Memories, Heroes, Laughter, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges |
I have been thinking of him often lately, although I can’t really explain why. Wayne and I met when I started graduate school, both a part of the Baptist Student Union on campus. We clicked instantly. As we got to know each other, all formality and things that...
Oct 24, 2016 | Accommodations, Beginnings, can do, Coach, Disabilitiy, Disabled Sports, exercise for people with disabilities, Following Dreams, Good Memories, Helping people with disabilities, Heroes, high School, Paralympics |
Icy prickles of anxiety flooded through me with such intensity that I was sure I had just swallowed Alaska. My health teacher, who was with me for moral support, had assured me that the man I was about to meet was very nice, but at that point, I knew him only by...
Oct 13, 2014 | Christopher Reeve, Coach, Dana Reeve, Health Teacher, Heroes, high School |
After I graduated from high school in the summer of 1986, I got ready to move across the country for college. The move was difficult for me in many ways. Not only was I transitioning to a new phase of my life, but my dad had recently been transferred in his job, which...
Aug 16, 2014 | Accessibility, caregivers, compassion, Depression, Disabilitiy, Friends, Heroes, Lessons, Movies, News |
Robin Williams committed suicide last week. I heard the devastating news during a casual conversation with my good friend Andrea, but it took a few days to sink in. Once it did, there was an aching emptiness in my soul that I still can’t shake. I feel like I lost a...
Jul 6, 2013 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Health, Heroes, Introduction, Questions |
People in the crowd in Lake Placid, New York were cheering, crying, staring in utter disbelief. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did. “It may be the single most indelible moment in sports history, said Sports Illustrated, “one that sent the entire nation into...
Jul 12, 2012 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, communicating respect, compassion, definition of a hero, Get To Know Me, Heroes, high School, inclusion, Kids, Laughter, Lessons, Making people comfortable, Society, What some people don't think about |
I remember in great detail a day that I was in high school. It may seem insignificant to some. I thought it was at the time myself. But the more years I have behind me, the more I realize that an interaction I had that day just might have been one of the most...