Jul 6, 2013 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Health, Heroes, Introduction, Questions |
People in the crowd in Lake Placid, New York were cheering, crying, staring in utter disbelief. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did. “It may be the single most indelible moment in sports history, said Sports Illustrated, “one that sent the entire nation into...
May 6, 2013 | Accommodations, Beginnings, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Fundraisers, GoFundMe campaign, Health, Physical therapy, Questions, Sports |
Thousands were there for the challenge. Every year rookies and running enthusiasts, as well as some of the world’s finest athletes, participate in the Boston Marathon. Both physically and mentally grueling, every person, I’m sure, has a unique story as to why they...
Sep 9, 2012 | Disabled Sports, Events, exercise for people with disabilities, Learning to let go, people with disabilities |
Towards the end of the summer of every fourth year, the Olympics is an event that I always look forward to. There is something special about hearing the stories of athletes from all over the world, who have overcome obstacles and put in countless hours of training so...
Sep 5, 2012 | Accessibility, changing perspectives, choices, compassion, disability humor, Events, Friends, Good Decisions, Helping people with disabilities, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges |
Life is not remembered in days; it is remembered in moments. There are embarrassing moments we would like to forget, and spectacular moments we always want to remember. This momentous day held a little bit of both. May 19th, 1990, dawned bright and clear. Spring, with...