Aug 8, 2016 | disability humor, Laughter, Making people comfortable |
The list of things that I like to do has always been both long and diverse. Here are a few examples. Empower people and help others feel good about themselves. Watch movies. Challenge negative perceptions. Advocate. Cook. Go for strolls on the bike trail....
Jun 17, 2016 | Addictions, Making Changes, Marathon, Vegan Diet, Veganism, Walking |
Jim Rohn said, “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” It all started with almond milk. I had been to my doctor and told her I was feeling punk. After explaining a few of my symptoms, she suggested I cut down on my dairy...
Oct 15, 2015 | 100 day challenge, Beginnings, caregivers, exercise for people with disabilities, fast food, Starting Over |
It’s true. I have totally eaten like crap lately. My diet is terrible. Sonic cheeseburgers are as much a part of my routine as exercise is supposed to be. The order is always the same. A junior double cheeseburger with ketchup and without the pickle, and a medium...