Jan 6, 2017 | Disabilitiy, disability etiquette, empowering language, Helping people with disabilities, inclusion, Journey, people with disabilities |
A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of mindfulness. I really liked it. The idea of being fully present in every moment, and using our thoughts, senses, and experiences to appreciate every minute that we can. Practicing mindfulness has helped me in many...
Dec 22, 2016 | Advocacy, cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, CP, Disabilitiy, Disabled Sports, inclusion, Independence, Journey, negative perceptions |
When I was a senior in high school, I was in a kick ass creative writing class. The woman who taught it had also taught me junior English and I liked her immensely. In fact, thanks to Facebook, we are still in touch today. We have always had a nice connection. One of...
Nov 5, 2015 | can do, Disability Blogs, Finding Your Voice, Get To Know Me, Journey, lessons from blogging |
When I first started my blog on July 6th, 2012, I expected, in my small way, to change the world. At first, I knew I wanted to write about my experience living with my various diagnoses. I wanted to explore both the frustration and the “fabulousness.” I...
Dec 12, 2012 | Attitudes, church, inclusion, Journey, Uncategorized |
The most disheartening thing is that it keeps happening. A few days ago, there was a knock at my door, and I opened it to an unexpected visitor. The gentleman seemed nice enough. Went through the usual initial questions. I responded that I was doing fine today,...
Nov 29, 2012 | communicaiton, Disability and Relationships, Friends, Health, Journey, Mental Illness, overcoming challenges, Psychiatric Diagnosis |
“You are being closed minded and you’re not willing to budge!” “And you are making incorrect assumptions about things that you just don’t understand!” I was having a major disagreement with someone significant in my life, and I was...
Aug 4, 2012 | Journey, Laughter, Lessons, overcoming challenges, What some people don't think about |
People ask me about various aspects of my disability all the time. There are all kinds, but probably the most common question I get asked is “What is the worst part about having your disability?” Some people wonder if I want to know what it feels like to...