May 21, 2013 | Attitudes, changing perspectives, Disabilitiy, Lessons, Mental Illness, Physical therapy, Psychiatric Diagnosis |
Her brown eyes clouded in confusion, and when she spoke, it was a bit too brightly. “REALLY??? Good for you! Bless your heart!” During her second shift on the job, a new caregiver asked me if I had gone to college. My affirmative answer gave her pause, and then I...
May 6, 2013 | Accommodations, Beginnings, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Fundraisers, GoFundMe campaign, Health, Physical therapy, Questions, Sports |
Thousands were there for the challenge. Every year rookies and running enthusiasts, as well as some of the world’s finest athletes, participate in the Boston Marathon. Both physically and mentally grueling, every person, I’m sure, has a unique story as to why they...
Jul 13, 2012 | cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, compassion, CP, Disabilitiy, Family, Irony, Kids, kids with disabilities, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges, Physical therapy, What some people don't think about |
When I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at eighteen months of age, my family embarked on a whole new world. This strange new place was one where my parents had never been before. “Disability” became part of their everyday vocabulary, as their child had...