May 31, 2022 | Accessibility, Disabilitiy, Dogs, faith, Friends, Independence, Uncategorized, Wheelchair |
Any joyful spirit I would usually have on Christmas Eve morning was lost on me that year as I waited for news I knew I probably didn’t want to hear. Tightness squeezed a shallow breath out of my chest as I heard the raspiness in Dr. Tom’s voice through the phone. The...
Aug 29, 2019 | Beginnings, cerebral palsy, Diversity, Family, inclusion, Wheelchair |
The following is from my book “More the Same than Different: What I Wish People Knew About Respecting and Including People with Disabilities.” The book is available on Amazon. The shrill of the phone ringing in my dorm room during the predawn hours of that...
Dec 16, 2015 | Accommodations, choices, Disability and Relationships, Making people comfortable, overcoming challenges, Romance |
“I instantly gravitated towards him because he was so handsome and confident. He also had/has stellar taste in music and we spent the next few hours talking about our favorite bands. I almost forgot about the others who were with us…I spent the entire...
Oct 13, 2014 | Christopher Reeve, Coach, Dana Reeve, Health Teacher, Heroes, high School |
After I graduated from high school in the summer of 1986, I got ready to move across the country for college. The move was difficult for me in many ways. Not only was I transitioning to a new phase of my life, but my dad had recently been transferred in his job, which...
Aug 16, 2014 | Accessibility, caregivers, compassion, Depression, Disabilitiy, Friends, Heroes, Lessons, Movies, News |
Robin Williams committed suicide last week. I heard the devastating news during a casual conversation with my good friend Andrea, but it took a few days to sink in. Once it did, there was an aching emptiness in my soul that I still can’t shake. I feel like I lost a...