Apr 17, 2013 | Attitudes, can do, Family, Lessons, overcoming challenges |
We all crash and burn. It is a sad fact of life. We can be making progress on our journey, and then out of nowhere something unexpected can knock everything we know to be true on its butt. As the rug is pulled out from under us, we are left trying to maintain...
Jan 31, 2013 | faith, Family, overcoming challenges, Uncategorized |
When my dad called me last week to tell me that my grandfather was in the hospital, I wasn’t all that concerned. Pops was a tough guy, and he had survived a stroke and numerous other health problems throughout the years. The next day, my dad called again. The news...
Jan 12, 2013 | Attitudes, choices, Family |
Oct 9, 2012 | cerebral palsy, Family, Good Memories, inclusion, Kids, overcoming challenges |
“I want money towards a trip to Disney World,” my nephew said confidently as if there were no other logical answer on the planet. Excitement filled in his brown eyes, and the long dark hair that usually covered some of his face did nothing to hide his enthusiasm. We...
Jul 21, 2012 | Ableism, Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, Family, Good Decisions, Making people comfortable, What some people don't think about |
I was frustrated to no end. I got a call on Thursday afternoon from my mother. I was out and about getting my hair cut and running errands, so she left a message on my cell. “Call me back as soon as you can,” she said. “I have some news that you are...
Jul 13, 2012 | cerebral palsy, changing perspectives, compassion, CP, Disabilitiy, Family, Irony, Kids, kids with disabilities, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges, Physical therapy, What some people don't think about |
When I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at eighteen months of age, my family embarked on a whole new world. This strange new place was one where my parents had never been before. “Disability” became part of their everyday vocabulary, as their child had...