Jan 3, 2013 | fast food, Good Decisions, Health, Starting Over, Vegan Diet |
Hey, everyone! Guess what? I DID it! On December 1st, I set out to accomplish something that I had never come close to before. I set a goal to complete a 30-day juice fast. On December 31st I started eating food that I could chew again. It was a phenomenal...
Dec 29, 2012 | choices, Good Decisions, Gratitude, Making Changes |
I did it because it was what was best for me. Was going to visit my family for the holidays really worth the effort? When I pondered the question in the weeks following Thanksgiving, there were several factors to consider. First, ever since I had surgery last April,...
Sep 5, 2012 | Accessibility, changing perspectives, choices, compassion, disability humor, Events, Friends, Good Decisions, Helping people with disabilities, Learning to let go, overcoming challenges |
Life is not remembered in days; it is remembered in moments. There are embarrassing moments we would like to forget, and spectacular moments we always want to remember. This momentous day held a little bit of both. May 19th, 1990, dawned bright and clear. Spring, with...
Aug 25, 2012 | Facing a fear, faith, Friends, Good Decisions, Independence, Lessons, overcoming challenges |
A few years ago, I was able to achieve what was, for me, part of my American dream. I bought a house. Designed by a graduate student in architecture at the local university, the floor plan was created with the intention that a wheelchair user would live here. The...
Jul 21, 2012 | Ableism, Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, Family, Good Decisions, Making people comfortable, What some people don't think about |
I was frustrated to no end. I got a call on Thursday afternoon from my mother. I was out and about getting my hair cut and running errands, so she left a message on my cell. “Call me back as soon as you can,” she said. “I have some news that you are...
Jul 7, 2012 | choices, compassion, Good Decisions, how to help, Learning to let go, Lessons, Making Changes, News |
There is a story I heard a few weeks ago. It begins with Karen Klein, a bus monitor of middle school students in Greece, New York. She was bullied without mercy by several students on the bus one afternoon. A student recorded the whole incident on video and posted...