Jan 9, 2016 | changing perspectives, exercise for people with disabilities, Health, Learning to let go, Making Changes, Walking |
It was a few months ago when the sunshine was stronger than it is now, but my body was not. Recent shenanigans with my kidneys had resulted in time in the hospital, and the unexpected surgery that followed. One of the only benefits of the situation last spring was...
Dec 31, 2015 | Favorite Posts, Get To Know Me, lessons from blogging, Making Changes, overcoming challenges |
As I have done in years past for as long as I can remember, I spent some time on this New Year’s Eve reflecting on the events, both good and bad, of the past year. Although I have been writing this blog for a long time now, lately it has been a good friend to me...
Aug 21, 2015 | Get To Know Me, how to help, Making Changes, Starting Over |
When I decided to enter the Ms. Wheelchair Kansas pageant in 2007, part of the application process was to come up with a platform. If I was crowned, what did I want my message to be? What did I want people to take away from our interactions during that year?...
Dec 4, 2014 | changing perspectives, CP, Making Changes, Ms. Wheelchair America, Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, MWA, negative perceptions |
In 1974, at six years old, I saw myself as pretty typical. However, much of the world saw me as “Tiny Tim.” I was a scrawny kid with skinny arms and legs, pigtails in my hair and a smile that was waiting for the tooth fairy. Because of the cerebral palsy...
Feb 20, 2014 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, Disabilitiy, Good Decisions, Health, Independence, Making Changes, negative perceptions, Power Wheelchairs, Wheelchair |
I thought the coach from my high school who helped me train for the ParalymIpics might be disappointed. I thought my family would think I had given up. I was afraid lots of people in my life wouldn’t understand. So I resisted. For a long time. It wasn’t for...
Dec 13, 2013 | Attitudes, caregivers, changing perspectives, Health, hospitals, Lessons, Making Changes, Questions, service dogs |
This was supposed to be a Thanksgiving post. Sorry, I am a few weeks behind… In many ways, it seems like yesterday, but it was so long ago. During the summer of 1986, I was in a stage of my life when it seemed like everything should be going my way. A recent...