Jun 15, 2014 | Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, Disabilitiy, Friends, inclusion, Lessons, Society |
It shouldn’t have happened. Not in 2013. Not twenty-three years after the Americans with Disabilities Act went into effect. But it did. And the people who witnessed the incident decided to protest. According to an article from CNN, in mid-November 2013, Albert Rizzi...
Mar 31, 2014 | Attitudes, choices, Disabilitiy, Friends, Get To Know Me, Good Decisions, Kids, kids with disabilities, Lessons, Look Beyond, negative perceptions |
His gut-wrenching response to her question broke his mother’s heart. She wasn’t content to leave the situation alone, so she looked outside the box for a solution. What happened next could potentially change his life. Colin is a young man who lives in Michigan. He is...
Aug 10, 2013 | Attitudes, caregivers, changing perspectives, Dancing, Disabilitiy, Friends, Getting to know people, Helping people with disabilities, how to help, Lessons, What some people don't think about, wheelchair dancing |
It was definitely one of my “disability” days, the kind I struggle with a little more often than I would like. When I dropped something on the floor, couldn’t access something else on a high shelf in the fridge, and had an itch on my foot that I couldn’t reach to...
Jul 6, 2013 | Attitudes, Beginnings, choices, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Health, Heroes, Introduction, Questions |
People in the crowd in Lake Placid, New York were cheering, crying, staring in utter disbelief. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did. “It may be the single most indelible moment in sports history, said Sports Illustrated, “one that sent the entire nation into...
May 6, 2013 | Accommodations, Beginnings, Disabilitiy, Events, Friends, Fundraisers, GoFundMe campaign, Health, Physical therapy, Questions, Sports |
Thousands were there for the challenge. Every year rookies and running enthusiasts, as well as some of the world’s finest athletes, participate in the Boston Marathon. Both physically and mentally grueling, every person, I’m sure, has a unique story as to why they...
Mar 16, 2013 | Attitudes, choices, communicating respect, compassion, CP, Disabilitiy, Disability and Relationships, Friends, Get To Know Me, Good Decisions, inclusion, Laughter, Learning to let go, Lessons, negative perceptions, Starting Over |
Quirks fascinate me. What motivates some people to tap their fingers incessantly, or wear different colored socks is intriguing. I have always thought of quirks as fingerprints, characteristics that make each one of us unique in our complexity, with a collection of...